Assessment and Accreditation
Pupils are assessed in several different ways with their strengths, skills and needs at the centre.
Evidence for Learning is used for evidencing and tracking progress against individual Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) targets, Curriculum Pathways and accreditation. Evidence for learning supports any assessment model and we use it across all pathways with all pupils.
In addition to curriculum pathways and EHCPs, we use the following documents to either formative or summative assess learning and progress as appropriate to individual pupil and their pathways.
Early Years Foundation Stage and Characteristics of Effective Learning
Programmes of Study (EYFS, Pre- Formal, Semi- Formal, formal and Functional), both within the National Curriculum and the School's curriculum frameworks.
Accredited frameworks as published by ASDAN or OCR
Behaviour protocol checklists (Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequences (ABC), statistical analysis standards v progress etc.)
Read Write Inc. Assessments and White Rose maths end of unit assessments where applicable.
In addition, teachers, and external professionals i.e. speech and language, educational psychologist and physiotherapists may use specific tools to look in more detail aspects of learning.
Green Park pupils have a wide range of abilities and leaming styles and our approaches to assessment reflect this. Techniques we use include:
Observational assessment
Questioning- enabling the teacher to make a judgement about pupil's degree of understanding.
Marking and review of work carried out using Evidence for Learning app.
Reviewing other evidence such as photos, videos collected over a period of time.
Regular Monitoring of work alongside School Improvement Leaders and Area of Need Leaders.
Regular monitoring of work in comparison to national expectations
Functional assessment of behaviour
Records of frequency and intensity of behaviour
Multidisciplinary discussions i.e. Pupil progress meetings, Annual Reviews.
The assessment cycle at Green Park is thorough and ensures that pupils progress is monitored to ensure all pupils can reach their full potential. The ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ Cycle is appropriate for each individual learner and each learner is reviewed by the following each academic year.

Below is a summary of the assessment cycles for each pathway at Green Park School.
Early Years Foundation Stage:

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
All students who start Green Park School in the years reception and below will follow the EYFS pathway which is based on Development Matters. However, we have adapted the ages ranges to Pre-formal, Semi- formal and formal to reflect our ‘Stage not Age’ approach when teaching and assessing students with a wide range of complex needs. At the end EYFS students will be assessed as to whether they have met the Early Learning Goals in the 17 strands of the EYFS curriculum. This information is to be shared with the Local Authority but will no longer be subject to moderation. Within the documentation, the Development Matters guidance outlines broadly what children should be taught within each year, this is cross-referenced within our curriculum documentation alongside pupils EHCP’s which reflects our child centred approach.

Engagement Model
The engagement model is an assessment tool for pupils working below standard national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject specific study. The engagement model has 5 areas of engagement:
These areas allow teachers to assess pupils' engagement in developing new skills, knowledge, and concepts in our school curriculum by demonstrating how pupils are achieving specific outcomes. They represent what is necessary for pupils to fully engage in their learning and reach their full potential. At Green Park, the engagement model is tracked and identified using Evidence for Learning (EfL) for all our pupils following the pre-formal pathway.
Semi-formal Pathway

Semi- formal learners are assessed through both informal and formal assessment. These students have severe learning difficulties who require experiences and opportunities which promote the development of functional skills, communication, emotional wellbeing, confidence and independence. In terms of assessment, Aided Language Displays and Visuals will be used to assess students understanding of the knowledge taught them which will then be used to plan next steps using the Evidence for Learning app and their folder work.
Formal Pathway

National Assessment
Formal learners learning becomes more subject specific with them fully engaging in Read Write Inc and White Rose Maths programs in which they complete end of unit assessment. At the end of Key Stage 1 it is our statutory duty to report attainment of children at Pre-Key Stage Level nationally using the standards for Maths and English and numbers of children using the Engagement Scales. In 2012 the National Phonic Screening was introduced for children in year 1. If we have children for whom this task is appropriate and meaningful, it will be administered and reported on. Children who stay with us into Y2 will be able to have another opportunity to undertake the screening if this is appropriate.
Functional Pathway

All students in Y10 begin a two year ‘Transition Challenge’ programme. Depending on their Learning Style, they will complete a ‘Sensory’ or ‘Induction’ module.
In Y12, those who followed the Induction programme move on to ‘Personal Progress Units’ (PPU’s).
Sensory learners follow ‘Towards Independence’ modules. These accreditation courses are continued until students leave Green Park in Y14.
To see our latest ASDAN achievements view the link.

We also take part in the Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Scheme and more information can be viewed here https://www.dofe.org/
As a school we offer bronze and silver awards, pupils take part in a 3 month period of volunteering which has included cooking for a homeless shelter and planting a garden for children at the Haven.
3 months learning a new skill which includes cooking a healthy meal, packing a lunch box for a day's walking.
6 months of physical exercise which includes swimming, walking, using the gym.
Students then have a 1 night 2 days assessment expedition, followed by a 2 night 3 days qualifying expedition which includes camping, cooking their own food, navigating a walk, and teamwork.
Changes have been made for the covid period and students may experience alternative camping activities.
We have also liaised with DoE providers, and all learners, including sensory learners, are able to access the DoE experience this year.
All students who have been involved in the DofE award have been successful thanks to the hard work that the students and the DofE team put in.
It's a wonderful opportunity for students to excel, achieve and be proud of themselves.
School Performance Tables
Here more information can be viewed about the School Performance Tables: https://www.find-school-performance-data.service.gov.uk/school/104415/green-park-school