Careers Programme
There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. At Green Park School, we have a critical role to play in preparing our learners for the next stage of their education and life beyond school.
With the greater choices of education, training and employment, our aim is to prepare learners for these ever-changing opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and to equip them with the skills to manage the choices, changes and transitions ahead of them.
Our Key Values are for each and every pupil to REACH their potential. We do that through:
Respect: Respect is the foundation on which our school values are based. We promote care, trust and honesty with our learners, their families/carers, schools and all other partners and stakeholders.
Effort : We recognize that our work has a positive impact on our learners and their families/carers, improving outcomes for all. We work tirelessly to improve the lives of our learners.
Achieve : We have the highest expectations of both ourselves and our learners. We believe that all of our learners can make progress.
Communication : In order to realise shared goals and achieve the very best for the learners we work collaboratively with parents/carers, schools and other stakeholders. We will communicate the highest standards and expectations at all times.
Happy and Healthy: We have created a safe, secure and happy learning environment in which all learners can thrive. We equip learners with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve well in life. We acknowledge and celebrate their successes widely.
More information about our long-term careers strategy can be found here:
More information about this year's Careers Programme 2024-2025 can be found here:
To ensure that we offer a high-quality careers provision, we carry out self-reviews and evaluations of the school’s programme annually in line with the careers policy, school development plan and feedback from stakeholders. We measure our programme against the ‘Gatsby Benchmarks‘ using the Compass + online self-assessment tool.
For further details about our strategy, please click here:
With the varied needs of our learners in mind, we refer to the careers offer as ‘Preparation for Adulthood’, acknowledging the need for a full range of opportunities to be planned for, not simply paid or supported employment.
The DfE supportive tool ‘PfA Outcomes across the age ranges for children and young people with SEND’, promotes consideration of the four PfA outcomes as part of EHC planning across the age range.
This document is not a definite list but is a starting point to consider what preparation for adulthood looks like for different ages and stages of development.
Careers Progression across school
At Green Park, it is important to prepare our young learners for adulthood within each cluster. We offer a range of different experiences, opportunities and lessons based on their dreams and aspirations for the future.
Early Years and Green Cluster
World of Work day
Role play
Classroom jobs
Linking classroom learning to the outside world
Careers specific story books
Class based works experience
Celebration of learning makes clear links to transferrable skills development
Yellow and Orange Clusters
Orange and Red Clusters
Purple Cluster / Sixth Form
World of Work Day
Role Play
Learning about parents/carers jobs
Visits from external speakers
Linking classroom learning to the outside world
Offsite visits
Enterprise activities and competitions
Careers specific story books
Class based work experience
Celebration of learning makes clear links to transferrable skills development
World of Work day
Visits from external speakers
linking classroom learning to the outside world
Referring to local, regional and national labour market information
Offsite visits
Careers mentoring
Enterprise activities and competitions
Students' responsibilities
School based works experience
Year 9+ vocational profiling
Year 9 personal guidance meeting
Employer visits
Workplace visits
World of Work day
Visits from external speakers
Referring to local, regional and national labour market information
Offsite visits
Careers mentoring from connexions
Enterprise activities and competitions
Independent Work Ready Project
School based works experiences
Tailored community work experience
All students invited to attend LA careers fayre
Vocational profiling
Year 13/year 14 personal guidance meeting
Employer visits
School careers fayre
Deals on Wheels
Post 16 Ladder to Success
Via a comprehensive and inspirational Careers Programme our pupils will be ready to achieve their full potential, having the confidence, qualities and skills to achieve success and happiness in the world of work.
Learning Outcomes and Achievements
Year 14
* Explore the world of work * Consider employment and career goals * Think about suitable placements * Understand and explore the different pathways available Post 18 in Further Education and social care. Complete Vocational Profile.
Year 13
* Explore the world of work * Discover more about potential careers, have an understanding of the labor market * Begin to explore/understand the skills and qualities employers value * Find a career you are passionate about * Think about your Post 18 options and the direction you want to take. * Make applications * Investigate further education courses of interest . * Assess your strengths and weaknesses
Year 12
* Explore the world of work * * Discover more about potential careers, have an understanding of the labor market * Think about options and how to make informed choices * Find out more about internships and what it involves * Experience different workplaces * Develop knowledge of appropriate further education courses * Begin to develop your understanding of careers and what this looks like Post 18
Key Events and Experiences
Year 14
* Weekly Future Plans lessons * Mock interview event (where appropriate) * Week’s work experience placement * Personalised career interview with Prospects advisor * Attend social care open days * Attend LA adults education open days * Attend careers events
Year 13
* Weekly Future Plans lessons * Careers Fair * Personalised career interview with Prospects advisor * Open Event with Further Education appropriate routes
Year 12
* Weekly Future Plans lessons * CV writing workshop * Careers Fair * Informal careers meeting with Transition Officer * Weekly discussions with Job Coach * Week’s work experience placement * Tailored local college virtual showcases * Open Event with Further Education appropriate routes