Curriculum Overview
The vibrant curriculum at Green Park School meets the needs of learners from ages 3 to 19. This includes EYFS, right through to appropriate accreditation routes that include ASDAN.
We intend to offer pupils the best possible education during their journey through school. The National Curriculum and Development Matters are the starting points in developing our 'Knowledge Rich Curriculum' that gives pupils the opportunity to develop relevant knowledge, skills and understanding needed for lifelong learning and independence. All of our pupils have complex barriers to learning detailed in their 'Education, Health and Care Plans' (EHCPs) and these are taken into consideration when planning a meaningful curriculum for pupils.
We adopt a ‘Disciplined Approach to Creative Innovation’ where thematic planning is used to help pupils access exciting learning opportunities. We seek to promote exciting learning environments where pupils are engaged and driven to learn – teachers provide stimuli that captures pupils attention steering their learning and challenging teachers to creatively adapt the curriculum to help pupils achieve outstanding outcomes. Although pupils individual needs are a priority, their statutory rights to a broad and balanced curriculum are consistently monitored by school leaders who develop, monitor and review the 'Knowledge Rich Curriculum' on a regular basis. 'Learning for Life' and the development of functional skills remain important in our curriculum. This includes 'Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural' development as well as gaining an understanding of the society in which they live where British Values and its impact on the life of individuals within society are incorporated as they prepare for adulthood.
Areas of learning and development are planned in pathways. The pathways are:
Communication & Language,
Personal, Social Emotional Development,
Physical Development,
Literacy, Mathematics,
Understanding the World,
Expressive Arts and Design.
Cognition and Learning,
Communication and Interaction,
Physical, Sensory and Medical,
Social, Emotional, Mental and Health
Cognition and Learning (Mathematics, Science, IT),
Communication and Interaction (Reading, English, MFL, History, Geography).
Physical, Sensory and Medical (Art, Music, DT, PE)
Social, Emotional, Mental and Health (PSHE, RSE, RE)
Cognition and Learning ( Mathematics, Science, IT, Communication and Interaction)
Reading, (English, MFL, History, Geography).
Physical, Sensory and Medical (Art, Music, DT, PE)
Social, Emotional, Mental and Health (PSHE, RSE, RE)
Pupils in Sixth form will be assessed against a range accreditation modules which link to their theme. Teachers will choose modules that are relevant for the individual pupils and support their preparation for adulthood.
Our Area of Need and School Improvement teams have collaborated to produce curriculum schemes in all areas of learning. They are a planned sequence of work that match the range of learning styles and pathways at Green Park. There is a strong emphasis on functional and relevant learning that will promote ‘Learning for Life’ for all pupils. Learning activities are tailored to the individual interests and needs of pupils and lessons are designed to promote curiosity and an innate interest to learn.
Please use the links below for more detailed information about our curriculum.
For further information about our curriculum you can contact our Curriculum Leader - Mrs Angie Esson, Deputy Headteacher, 01902 556429 or email greenparkschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk