The Curriculum has been successfully designed and adapted to meet the particular needs of disadvantaged and SEND pupils.
It is our intent that all students will Learn for Life.
Skills and Knowledge learnt at Green Park School from 3-19 will be relevant, purposeful and promote independence. Students will be encouraged to be curious about their world and beyond.
Follow a Personalised, Functional, and purposeful Curriculum. The Knowledge Rich Curriculum will allow pupils interests to be used to enhance an understanding of their world and their place within it.
Develop a communication system that is highly effective. It is crucial that pupils can use an effective and strong communication system within school, and beyond. We intend to encourage parents and carers to learn as much as possible about how to communicate with their young people. This could include Intensive Interaction, Makaton signs / symbols, PECS, Sounding Board on App or Choice Maker.
Apply and Generalise Skills and where appropriate Maintain Skills. We intend to encourage the application and generalization of skills learnt in a practical way that enables memorable learning.
It is our intention that students learn how to regulate their responses and behaviours to their world. Effective strategies, equipment etc will be used to help students accept events, changes and people within their world.
It is our Intention to follow a Sequenced Curriculum that enables learners to take the small, individualised steps necessary to develop Knowledge and Skills.
We have made significant changes to our curriculum and in September 2023 introduced a new Whole School Knowledge Rich Curriculum. We have made progress in identifying the drivers of our curriculum and have a clear vision. In the last year we established the framework. We have started to embed this in classroom practice.
Our curriculum has a clear focus on meeting individual needs through stimulating learning experiences. A theme based, disciplined cross curricular approach.
links concepts within an overarching theme which is designed to be flexible to allow for specific interests, practice, revisiting, application into real life situation to generalise and consolidate learning.
The curriculum is differentiated according to individual Pathways to help ensure plans match individual needs. Each class creates a specific Themed Map to meet the needs of students within the group for that academic year.
Our Cultural Capital Plan allows students access to a richer learning experience beyond their own classroom, across the school and into the wider community.
Highly effective Interventions are used to offer both enrichments, and to help pupils on their journey to achieve. This includes Lego therapy, Rebound Therapy and Music.
The impact of our Knowledge Rich Curriculum will
Allow pupils to develop strong communication and independent skills for life where they can be active in their community. They will grow in their ability to share their thoughts, wants, needs and feelings and proficiently self -regulate when something in their life changes. They will make good progress in their learning and live the best life possible where their choices are acknowledged and acted on.
Learners will learn more. Through a creative knowledge-based curriculum, the knowledge and skills pupils need will be within a context that opens more windows of interest to use as a tool to facilitate learning. High aspirations will allow staff to think ‘outside the box’ to help ensure that something new is learnt during each theme.
The Evidence for Learning App, Folders and Books will evidence personal progress for students. Good marking will show the small steps of progress pupils make. Retained information and learning that has been embedded will influence future planning to help ensure new learning for students.
Having aspirational yet realistic expectations result in excellent individual achievements for pupils. Pupil outcomes are measured from their individual starting points using our own assessment tool whilst detailed observations enable staff to plan exciting and motivating activities based on children’s level of interest and engagement in learning.
Appropriate and relevant End of KS assessments, phonics screening, and assessment against pre–Key Stage Standards take place in line with statutory requirements, as appropriate and relevant to individual pupils ages and stages of development.