Parents & Carers Information
Supporting your child:
Talk regularly with your child or young person to discuss their hopes and plans for the future and share this information with their class teacher.
Attend annual reviews meetings and make sure that the Education and Health Care Plan for your child accurately reflects their needs and includes plans for their future.
From Year 9 onwards, speak with our Connexions Advisor to gain a wider view of what is available. They will be meeting termly with your young person to discuss their views and offer advice.
Attend our annual careers fayre to meet with advisors representing a range of colleges and support services.
Look at the websites of Local and Specialist Colleges and settings to find out about courses on offer, watch their virtual tours and see dates of open days when you can visit. It is always best to visit where possible, so that you are informed about how different settings can best support your young person.
For further information about supporting your child, please see our Leavers Journey.
Life Beyond Green Park Useful Contacts

Introducing Connexions
Stepping into adulthood comes with its set of challenges and decisions. That’s where Connexions steps in! Part of the illustrious Skills team at Wolverhampton City Council, Connexions is your beacon of impartial information, advice, and guidance, specially tailored for our vibrant youth.
Our Core Mission
We are dedicated to ensuring that every young person, along with their dedicated parents and guardians, receives the guidance they need during this pivotal transition. Our expertise is particularly beneficial for young individuals with special education needs and disabilities, supporting them until the age of 25. Beyond that, we ensure a seamless transition by making referrals to specialised services.
Personalised Services for Every Ambition
Whether you’re on the lookout for the perfect educational avenue, seeking training options, aiming to develop your independence, or desiring to dive into the world of work, Connexions has got your back! Our offerings include:
Education & Training Guidance: Pinpointing the best avenues for academic and skill development.
Overcoming Challenges: Providing access to solutions that counter barriers to achievement.
Career Exploration: Diving deep into the realm of jobs, volunteer opportunities, and hands-on work experiences.
Community Engagement: Encouraging participation in community projects and leisure activities to foster holistic growth.
A Dedicated Advisor Just For You
Every young individual with an EHCP isn’t just a name in our database. They are unique, with dreams and aspirations. Hence, each one is paired with a personal advisor, a guide who understands, mentors, and leads them towards their goals.
Reach Out & Connect
Discover more about the invaluable offerings of Connexions and open a world of opportunities. Connexions Website – Dive in, and let’s chart the path to your promising future together.

Wolverhampton Local Offer
Dive Into Wolverhampton’s SEND Local Offer!
Welcome to the Wolverhampton Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer, your one-stop hub designed especially for our children, young people, and their beloved families.
What is the SEND Local Offer?
Imagine a single place, brimming with vital information tailored for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their supportive parents or carers. That’s precisely what the SEND Local Offer is.
Where to Access
Whether you’re cosied up with a book at the Wolverhampton Libraries & Community Hubs or navigating the City of Wolverhampton Council Civic Centre, provisions have been made to support seamless access to the Local Offer.
Educative Resources
In collaboration with the Department for Education, the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) has curated insightful fact sheets, enlightening films, and easy-to-understand posters. Dive into these resources to unpack the key themes of the new SEND reforms, including the ever-useful Parent’s Guide to the Local Offer.
Official Guidelines
Every Local Authority is mandated by the Children and Families Act 2014 to produce a comprehensive Local Offer. This gathers essential information across education, health, and social care provisions. For a deep dive into the specific requirements of the Local Offer, the SEND Code of Practice – January 2015 is your trusty guide.
Service Insights
Whether it’s special educational, health, social care, or even training provisions, the Local Offer introduces families to a broad spectrum of local agency services. Also, we have comprehensive insights into arrangements like travel for children and preparing them for a wholesome adulthood, touching on housing, employment, and leisure.
Guiding Principles
The meticulous creation and delivery of this Local Offer have been overseen by the dedicated Local Offer Group. Adopting key principles ensures our Local Offer remains at the heart of serving our community’s best interests.
So, if you’re eager to discover, understand, and make the most of the diverse provisions available for our incredible children and young people, dive into Wolverhampton’s SEND Local Offer now! Your journey to empowerment, information, and support starts here.
Links to local colleges (specialists provision links from Wolverhampton’s Local Offer)
Walsall College
The supported learning courses can be stepping stones to either higher levels of study or greater independence. We also offer individualised personal support plans that are tailor-made to suit students’ specific needs.
These courses are ideal for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities or for those who may need additional support for a variety of reasons and don’t have a Level 2 qualification (GCSE A* to C).
For some students, it may be that they just need some extra support to be successful on one of our vocational courses that they’ve chosen to study. We’re here to provide you with the learning support you need.
Dudley College
Aspire Works is all geared up for students to get those all-important employability skills. There’s a commercial print room, engineering workshop and retail showroom all managed by their learners and their supportive tutors.
Sandwell College
Sandwell College have a range of programmes designed to cater for a wide range of students, with a high level of support that ensures each individual is given a learning experience appropriate to their needs.
Rodbaston College
Rodbaston College is the go-to place for agriculture, horticulture, animal care, veterinary care, equine and countryside management.
Condover Care and Learning
Condover provides a service for adults 18+ who have moderate to severe learning disabilities, profound and multiple learning difficulties and additional complex needs.
The education at Grafton Centre offers a holistic student-centred curriculum focusing on independence, functional skills and more. Residents in the small residential homes receive high quality care.
Hereward College
Hereward College provides study programmes, learning experiences, and award winning work placement opportunities for young people (age 16-25) with complex disabilities and learning difficulties. We specialise in supporting day and residential learners who have a range of needs including autism, physical difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, and complex disabilities.
Queen Alexandra College, Birmingham
QAC offers a broad range of study programmes that are tailored to ensure each student receives the education, therapeutic and support services that they require, helping them achieve their aspirations for adult life. QAC support people who have a visual impairment, ADHD, Autism, moderate to severe learning difficulties and students with physical and other disabilities.
Victoria College
Victoria is a specialist college for young people aged 19-25 years with profound and multi learning difficulties.
We educate the students through a balanced curriculum including communication and cognition, the pathway to adulthood outcomes; Community Inclusion, Independent Living Skills, Employment and Health. Students work on their personal targets in all areas of the curriculum that may include other learning opportunities such as RPSHE, rebound therapy, physiotherapy, music therapy and speech and language therapy, being a member of the college orchestra and learner voice.