Our school meals are provided by City Of Wolverhampton Council's catering team. The popular lunchtime menus are designed in line with the government's statutory standards for school meals.
Children in years 3 and above may be able to claim free school meals.
Click here Apply online for an instant decision or contact your child's school.
Further details are also provided regarding free school meals.
Menus and allergy information
These lunch menus are provided at many schools and academies in Wolverhampton. Some schools may request changes or provide an additional choice. Your child's school will be able to confirm the menu on offer.
Some of our menu items contain allergens, including cereals containing Gluten, Milk, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Soya, Celery, Mustard, Sulphites, Sesame and Lupin.
Peanuts and Nuts are also classed as allergens, but these are not used on our menu.
City of Wolverhampton Council is happy to cater for special diets by prior arrangement.
You must inform your child's school of any food allergy or intolerance and/or other medical conditions.
Please ask your child's dietician to contact your child’s school in the first instance.