Our School is made up of 16 classes which are organised into clusters: Green, Yellow, Orange, Red and Purple. Each cluster is made up of 3 or 4 classes of differing learning styles.
Pupils generally progress through the clusters as they get older, into groups suited to their learning style.
Class groups have been identified as Sensory, Focused or Structured as the pupils preferred learning style. We offer a personalised curriculum considering children’s specific interests and diverse learning needs. Learning is differentiated for all learners according to their pathway in line with their unique and personal learning style. In Red and Purple Clusters pupils will follow their personal pathways alongside their functional learning opportunities and accreditation
Blue Cluster is accessed by all pupils, offering interventions and further opportunities for pupils to practise, apply and generalise learnt skills beyond the classroom. Staff are encouraged to take a practical and creative approach to teaching. We use a range of specific teaching methods including PECs (Picture Exchange Communication System), TEACCH, Intensive Interaction; Attention Autism, Lego Therapy, Rebound Therapy, Cool Kids, TaSSeLs, Makaton, forest school, swimming, outdoor adventurous activities, Horse riding and reward-based strategies.
We develop and update staff skills by ensuring that we have a strong CPD (Continued Professional Development) programme to enhance staff knowledge, and expertise.
Our typical school day looks like this:
Time | Activity | Description |
8:50am | School transport and parents on site for drop off | Pupils to be dropped off at school via transport or parent drop-off/pickup |
9:00 – 9:20am | Registration and Welcome | Pupils arrive in their classes and prepare for the school day |
9:20 – 10:30am | Teaching Time | |
10:30 – 10:40am | Break Time | Pupils have a snack and a break |
10:40am – 12:00pm | Teaching Time | |
12:00pm – 12:40pm | Lunch time | Pupils have lunch targets set for this period as part of their learning and EHCP targets. |
12:40pm-1:25pm | Lunch play session | Time for a break including personal care. |
1:25pm | Afternoon welcome & registration | |
1:30pm-3:00pm | Teaching time | |
3:00pm-3:15pm | Preparation for home time | Including functional skills and reflection |
3:15pm | Home Time | Pupils collected by pupil transport or parents |
Food Tech RoomIn the Food Technology room, pupils are given many opportunities to develop their life skills through practical cookery activities. Pupils are encouraged to plan, follow instructions and of course sample what they make to evaluate its success! Specialist adaptive equipment is available so that all pupils are able to access these facilities.
PoolOur pool enables pupils to access swimming facilities on-site. Pupils use the pool regularly on a timetabled basis, enjoying either 1:1 or small group sessions led by our trained swimming instructors. Pupils love getting into the pool and working towards their Physical and Sensory targets as well as benefitting from the warm temperatures in the pool!
PE HallOur PE Hall facility offers a range of specialist sports equipment for pupils to work on their Physical and Sensory targets and build on their physical abilities.
ReboundWithin the PE Hall, Specialist Rebound Therapy is offered by specially trained members of staff. Rebound Therapy is used to facilitate movement, promoting balance, relaxation, sensory integration, and improving fitness and exercise tolerance. Pupils have the opportunity to complete this 1:1 intervention alongside their lessons.
LibraryThroughout school we aim to foster a love for books and reading. Whether this be through sensory stories, sound books, our Read Write Inc Reading schemes or functional reading activities, the library allows pupils to explore a range of different books and take ownership of which they would like to choose. In Purple Cluster, pupils also have access to the Sixth Form Library which focuses on age-appropriate and functional reading for our older pupils beginning to explore life beyond Green Park.
Dinner HallDuring lunchtimes, pupils visit the hatch and dinner hall where they are encouraged to eat alongside their peers in Primary or Secondary. We encourage pupils to make choices about what they would like to eat using their preferred communication strategies.
CourtyardThe courtyard is an enclosed outdoor space for pupils to explore a range of new and exciting ideas, working on developing their problem-solving abilities. Pupils are encouraged to explore and investigate! The subject coordinator thinks carefully about where the pupil's interests are and organises the available workspaces to match pupils’ inquisitive minds. The teacher offers challenging opportunities for children to ask questions and solve problems with an increasing level of independence.
Drama StudioWithin the Drama Studio pupils have an opportunity to investigate cause and effect responses, benefiting from a range of specialist sensory equipment including bubble tubes, waterbed and musical squares. Pupils are encouraged to explore equipment using different senses.
Sensory GymOur Sensory Gym encourages pupils to develop their balance, fine motor skills and tolerance for a range of different textures. Pupils have access to a range of specialist sensory equipment.
Our Pet RabbitsIt is wonderful to have pet rabbits in school! Pupils are able to enjoy looking after and caring for our rabbits, benefiting from opportunities to also develop their self-esteem. Pupils gain key skills in nurturing and learning how to look after a pet, instilling important life skills.
Cool KidsWhen our dinner hall is not being used for school lunches, our pupils have access to a range of specialist equipment where they can engage in our Cool Kids programs which helps pupils to regulate their emotions.
Outdoor FacilitiesAcross school as pupils progress through the clusters, they have access to a range of different outdoor playground facilities. These facilities include multi-gym equipment, play apparatus and bikes. We also have a wheelchair accessible swing and trampoline. Pupils benefit from taking part in Forest Schools and access to the Walkway alongside other outdoor areas.
Forest SchoolOur wonderful outdoor Walkway and Forest School areas offer opportunities for holistic growth, nurturing our pupils social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. Forest school encourages hands-on exploration in a natural setting which aims to develop pupils' confidence and self-esteem. Pupils can experience different weather elements, collect natural materials and go on mini beast hunts to name but a few activities!
Multi-gymsDepending on a pupils age, they have access to either the Primary or Secondary Multigym areas. These are wonderful outdoor fitness apparatus, including arm and pedal bicycles, health walkers and waist twisters. Here pupils can be supported to build upon their physical abilities and work on their targets.
Bike and Ball CourtOur outdoor facilities include access to our Bike and Ball Court. Pupils are supported to work towards their Physical and Sensory targets. We have a range of specially adapted bicycles, tricycles and scooters; alongside side-by-side dual tricycles which pupils can access alongside a member of staff.
Horticulture AreaThroughout their time at Green Park, pupils have access to a range of different outdoor Horticulture and Gardening facilities. Pupils enjoy spending time outside looking after our outdoor area as well as planting a range of different flowers and food items such as pumpkins, green beans and sprouts! It is wonderful for our pupils to witness how things can grow overtime and develop understanding of what they need to help them grow. We have a range of raised beds, pots and a greenhouse to aid pupils’ learning outside of the classroom.
Art RoomThe Creative Arts Department offers opportunities for pupils to develop creatively and refine their fine motor skills. Within the Art room pupils can explore a number of messy play activities and interact with the omni-vista floor. Our young people have worked with a range of artists to create interactive pieces of art that are accessed by all on a daily basis. We also have a number of music tutors which come into school to help pupils’ engagement and give opportunities to explore a range of instruments.
Lego TherapyIn our designated Lego Therapy area, pupils have access to a range of blocks and equipment where they can engage in small group sessions which helps to build social development and fine motor skills.